With five miles of hiking trails spread out over 500-acres, Clermont State Historic Site is an incredible place for bird watching, no matter the season:
In the fall and winter, you'll see flocks of migrant geese and ducks.
The spring brings bright and colorful, forest-loving Magnolia Warblers, Black-throated Green Warblers, and Black-throated Blue Warblers who migrate up to Clermont from Central and Southern U.S.
In the summer, Eastern Towhees and Overbirds can be heard.
New to birding?
Here are a few tips.
comfortable shoes
inconspicuous colors so you don't stand out
a long sleeved shirt and tall socks pulled over your pant legs to protect from ticks
your whole family (birding is fun for all ages!)
Keep your eyes and ears open
Be patient
Practice makes perfect
Stay quiet when possible and move stealthily
Sign up for our email newsletter or check our events page; we partner with the Alan Devoe Bird Club on bird walks regularly
To learn more, check out the tips in Birding For Beginners.